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Use protection, kids!


Let's fix the exhaust port, right above the main port!

Use the Force, Luke...

The ColecoVision is a powerful console, but it suffers from a design flaw, much like the Death Star. And it doesn't even need a photon torpedo to exploit it: the controller ports are prone to damage caused by static electricity. All it takes is petting your cat or wearing the wrong shoes or socks and then touching the controller port pins. This may cause a spike or "tiny lightning" of several Kilovolts (far less than 1.21 Gigawatts), turning the controller port input buffer into a brick. Coleco addressed the problem 80's style: socketing one or both controller ports. As these controller ports ICs are becoming more and more scarce, a different solution is desirable.

Modern electronics are protected by various protection circuits, and our Coleco clone provides the pads to solder them on. Flip over the PCB and look near the controller ports. You will find pads for 9 protection devices, which are optional but highly recommended. I recommend

  • D1-D18 P4SMAJ6.5CA or any bidirectional TVS diode 6.5V or 6.8V (SMA package)

which is a 400W surge protection diode for about a dime each. Cheap insurance, if you ask me.



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Meet Oli
Loves building stuff ,
80s Consoles, Computers and electronics, A Glass of red wine, the PONTIAC FIERO & my piano 

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